Cop charged with robbing trike driver

MANILA, Philippines - A tricycle driver accused a policeman yesterday of taking his money and mobile phone in Quezon City.

Senior Police Officer 1 Charles Jallores, who is assigned with the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) Station 3, is facing a complaint for robbery, according to Police Officer 2 Julius Balbuena.

The case stemmed from a complaint filed by tricycle driver Tomas Sony Suruiz, 48, who identified Jallores through the QCPD’s personnel files.

Suruiz claimed Jallores was one of three men who robbed him on the night of March 20 in front of the Pasong Tamo Elementary School in Barangay Pasong Tamo.

Suruiz said the suspects took from him P7,800, his driver’s license and his mobile phone.

Jallores and an “elderly” man allegedly wore police uniforms that night but their black jackets covered their nameplates, the tricycle driver said.

Suruiz said he was riding his bicycle home when the three suspects stopped him and told him they wanted to frisk him to check if he carried any illegal drugs.

He said Jallores threatened him that something would happen if he did not agree to be frisked. The three men allegedly took the items from his pockets and belt bag during the frisking.

When Suruiz attempted to get the items back, the elderly “police officer” told him the items were stolen. After taking the items, the suspects left and Suruiz went to the village hall to file an initial complaint.

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