Ex-soldier charged for pocketing P1.4-M gov’t funds

MANILA, Philippines - A former special disbursing officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines was charged with three counts of malversation of public funds after allegedly falsifying documents to withdraw P1.4 million of the AFP’s funds for its “Balik-Baril” program.

The case against Maj. Christopher Lee Patindol, a former special disbursing officer of the deputy chief of staff for Civil Military Operations (CMO), was raffled Thursday to Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 85 Judge Maria Filomena Singh.

In her four-page resolution, Prosecutor Kathryn Rose Baliatan of the Office of the Ombudsman found prima facie evidence to file the case against the former military officer.

The case stemmed from a 2012 complaint filed by Lt. Cmdr. Arnold Marie Obra, then acting chief of the COM administrative division. He claimed Patindol was able to encash three checks totaling P1.4 million by falsifying the signature of Commodore Miguel Jose Rodriguez, then CMO deputy chief of staff.

Obra said the encashment happened on July 4, 5 and 8, 2011 as shown in the bank records of the “Balik-Baril” program account. The program aims to reduce the number of loose firearms in the country.

Prior the filing of the case, Rodriguez ordered the respondent to produce the office cashbook in order for him to examine the recorded documents and transactions.

Patindol, who went on leave on July 25, 2011, failed to comply with the order. He was later declared absent without leave after failing to report by Aug. 1.

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