Family of 3, cop dead in Caloocan shooting

MANILA, Philippines - Even with a gun ban in place, three members of a family and a policeman were killed in a shooting incident in Caloocan City shortly after midnight yesterday.

The fatalities were identified as Manolito Picio, 56; his sons Eric, 28; and Elmer, 37; and Senior Police Officer 3 Ernesto Castillo.

Police said a 14-year-old boy was hit by a stray bullet and is recuperating at the East Avenue Medical Center.

Initial investigation showed that the Picios were having a drinking spree outside their home in Camarin district when a group of armed men arrived and shot them.

The men were allegedly led by Castillo, who was avenging the death of his son two months ago.

Witnesses said that Elmer managed to wrestle the firearm of Castillo despite his injuries and eventually hit the police officer.

The elder Picio died on the spot. His sons did not make it to the Tala General Hospital.

Recovered at the crime scene was Castillo’s bag, which contained a .9mm caliber gun, a hand grenade and a cellular phone.

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