PNP: Bets limited to 2 gov’t escorts

MANILA, Philippines - Candidates can only have a maximum of two government agents each for their security escorts under the policy of the Philippine National Police (PNP) as the campaign period for national positions started yesterday.

The PNP said at least 97 police officers have been deployed as security escorts for candidates for the May 2013 elections. The policemen came from the PNP-Police Security Protection Group.

PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima said they put a limit on the number of police officers for politicians so as not to deplete the manpower of the PNP.

He explained that two security escorts for a senatorial or a congressional candidate could come from either the PNP, the Armed Forces of the Philippines or the National Bureau of Investigation.

For mayoralty and other candidates for local positions, Purisima noted that only two private security officers authorized by the PNP could secure them and no police officers will be allowed to escort them.

The PNP chief said the main task of the police escorts was to protect the candidates from harm. He noted that policemen assigned to escort politicians should not accept any monetary favor from their principal.

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