QCPD execs give mall vendors tips vs robbers

MANILA, Philippines - Two officials of the Quezon City Police District on Friday gave vendors at a mall in New Manila some pointers in dealing with armed robbers.

QCPD director Senior Superintendent Richard Albano criticized the location of jewelry stalls at the mall’s department store.

“The stalls are on the ground floor and just a few steps away from the entrance,” he said. â€œAt this spot, the stalls are easy targets.”

Albano suggested that the stalls could be transferred to an area farther from the entrance.

QCPD deputy director for administration Senior Superintendent Joel Pagdilao said with the jewelry stalls’ position – they are near the mall’s Aurora Boulevard entrance – robbers just need motorcycles to make a quick getaway.

The police officials also talked to salespersons manning the stalls. One was apparently not prepared for an armed robbery.

“What would you do if there are robbers here?” Pagdilao asked the woman, who did not answer.

He said salespersons should take note of the robbers’ appearance, body markings such as tattoos or birthmarks, and their manner of speech and any accents “because that could give us clues to which group they might belong.”

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