MMDA criticized for dismantling billboard ads

MANILA, Philippines - The Outdoor Media Advocacy Group (OMAG) has accused the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) of disregarding the rule of law over what it described as “arbitrary and illegal” dismantling of outdoor billboard ads. 

OMAG said the MMDA has been tearing down billboards since 2011 after assuming from the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) the task of implementing some provisions of the National Building Code (NBC) in Metro Manila in accordance with a 2010 Memorandum of Agreement.

“The delegation of authority of the DPWH to MMDA raises constitutional issues. It’s like the DPWH delegating its authority to implement the National Building Code provisions on building roads leading to farms to the Department of Agriculture” OMAG’s spokesperson lawyer Winthrop Hawthorne Bañez said.

Bañez said officers and agents of the MMDA would dismantle legal billboards without determining whether the structures conforms to the Additional Rules and Regulations (ARR) for signs and signboards promulgated by the DPWH.

“We need to emphasize that it is the ARR that was promulgated after Typhoon Milenyo to address issues concerning public safety and welfare, and is the current governing rules and regulations. The MMDA, for whatever reason, refuses to implement this,” Bañez said.

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