Blind runners join Bible Run

MANILA, Philippines - They may have lost their sight but the significance of bringing the Holy Bible into the homes of the poorest of the poor Filipino Christians is as clear as day to them.

Blind runners participated in yesterday’s fun run dubbed as “May They Be One Bible Run” at the Quirino Grandstand. Other participants were policemen, students and usual participants of fun runs.

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-National Secretariat for Social Action, Justice and Peace (CBCP-Nassa) chairman Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo was among those who joined the Bible Run.

Pabillo, a former member of the CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Biblical Apostolate, said witnessing blind men competing in the race was a wonderful sight to see.

“It was a beautiful experience because it showed that they were one... Their presence is also important, it signifies that they are not outcasts of society,” he added.

Pabillo praised their determination and sacrifices to help raise funds for people to have copies of their own Bible.

Organizers of the event arranged a different set of mechanics for the handicapped who took part in the Bible Run. Special lanes with ropes stretching up to the finish line were designated for the blind runners.

All participants in the fun run paid registration fees. Proceeds from the event will be used in the campaign to buy Bibles for the poor.

Pabillo said more than 5,000 runners, including Catholics and Protestants, took part in the event aimed at emphasizing the importance of Bible reading and transformation.

The campaign was launched after a nationwide survey showed that 60 percent of Filipinos do not have a copy nor access to the Bible.

It was a joint project of the Philippine Bible Society, Episcopal Commission for the Biblical Apostolate, National Council of Churches in the Philippines, Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, and the Chinese Congress Center on World Evangelization Fellowship Philippines Inc.

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