Indian moneylender shot dead

MANILA, Philippines - A Indian moneylender was gunned down at the Karuhatan public market in Valenzuela City Thursday night.

Senior Police Officer 4 Jess Sagisi said Gurpeet Singh, 49, was shot in the left eye and thighs. He died on the way to the MCU Hospital.

Sagisi said Singh had just collected the day’s payments from his clients at the market and was about to ride his motorcycle when a man shot him with a .45 caliber pistol.

The suspect, who reportedly occupies a stall at the market, earlier asked Singh to lend him a bigger sum but the victim refused because he had not paid back his previous loan, which already accumulated interest.

The victim’s money and valuables were left untouched, prompting police to rule out robbery as a motive for the killing.

Sagisi declined to release the name of the suspect, who remains at large.                                                       

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