Bautista orders inspection of 'taho' makers

MANILA, Philippines - Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista has called for the strict inspection and monitoring of taho-making businesses in the city to protect the health of residents, especially children.

In a recent meeting, Bautista asked city health department head Antonietta Inumerable to include in the list of establishments for strict inspection and monitoring the makers of taho, which is sold almost everywhere including parks.

“The parks also attract taho vendors who usually prefer selling their product to children,” said Bautista.

He added the city government is duty-bound to safeguard the health of everyone especially young ones because they are vulnerable to diseases including diarrhea and other stomach problems.

The mayor also wanted to include recycled or used cooking oil among products to be banned from the city’s markets due to the unhygienic manner in which the oil was processed.

Earlier, the Quezon City Veterinary Office (CVO), headed by Dr. Ana Maria Cabel, had warned different chicken dressing facilities operating in the Kamuning, Commonwealth, Suki and Frisco markets to improve their safety standards in handling their products.

The CVO also confiscated assorted meat products – including ham, salami, skinless longganisa, and siomai – from nine meat processing facilities in Barangays Talipapa, Payatas, Sauyo and along Mindanao Avenue.

Bautista said the city government has to strictly monitor food processing businesses in order to protect the public from unsanitary handling, manufacturing or processing of food products.

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