Cop in scavenger's slay surrenders

MANILA, Philippines - A Makati policeman accused of killing a 13-year-old scavenger in an abandoned building last May surrendered yesterday to National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Alan Purisima.

Purisima said Chief Inspector Angelo Germinal, a former station commander of the Makati Police Community Precinct 5, turned himself in after learning of that Makati Regional Trial Court Judge Cristina Sulit issued a warrant for his arrest for murder.

“Germinal is now under the custody of the NCRPO. We will make him available once the court orders so,” Purisima said in an interview.

After being charged in court, Germinal was reassigned to the NCRPO’s regional police holding and administrative unit, where he was served the warrant.

Judge Sulit scheduled the arraignment of Germinal and his commitment order on Dec. 6.

Germinal and his men, PO3 Robert Rinion and PO1 Nicolas Apostol Jr., were earlier tagged in the May 9 shooting of Christian Serrano. The Makati police filed murder charges against Germinal as well as Rinion and Apostol, who were allegedly with him when the incident occurred.

Germinal, Rinion and Apostol are facing administrative charges before the National Police Commission.

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