Advocates to hold rallies for passage of RH bill

MANILA, Philippines - Advocates of the reproductive health bill will organize a series of mass actions this week to urge lawmakers to vote on the measure.

Rom Dongeto, manager of the Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development’s (PLCPD) center for communications and information, said yesterday at least 1,000 RH supporters will troop to the House of Representatives in Quezon City today to denounce the delay in the passage of the measure.

Today’s rally, which will be the first in a series of protests, will coincide with the resumption of sessions in Congress today.

 “The RH Bill was first filed in 2001, re-filed every Congress, and is still languishing in the legislative mill,” Dongeto said. “For advocates, the more than 10 years of struggle for the passage of the RH bill is more than enough.  Advocates say, ‘Now is the time for Congress to vote and pass the measure.’”

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, one of the opponents of the bill, said the measure will not be tackled even when session resumes this month because the Senate will be busy with the proposed 2012 national budget by then.

Enrile added that even the House of Representatives may not be able to vote on the RH bill because there are still 41 congressmen who are waiting to interpellate the proposed measure.

But in a previous interview, House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said it is possible for the RH bill to be voted upon and eventually be approved on second reading when Congress resumes sessions in November.

House Bill 4244 seeks to provide a comprehensive policy on responsible parenthood, reproductive health, and population and development. Its primary target is to provide couples with family planning choices.

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