LTFRB, MTRCB join forces vs porn in public vehicles

Manila, Philippines - The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board signed Thursday a partnership with the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board to campaign against pornographic or violent films shown in public utility vehicles (PUVs).

LTFRB chairman Nelson Laluces and MTRCB chairwoman Mary Grace Poe Llamanzares signed a memorandum of agreement, seeking to limit films shown in PUVs to only those with a classification rating of General Audience (G) or Parental Guidance (PG).

Laluces said PUV drivers and operators run the risk of being administratively charged for violating the ban on showing pornographic and violent films aboard their units.

“The driver’s license will be suspended while the operator will be fined P3,000 for the first offense and P6,000 for the second offense. The franchise can be revoked for repetitive violation of the ban,” Laluces said.

Laluces and Llamanzares said the agreement was only a reiteration of previous memorandum circulars issued by the agencies that banned the showing of pornographic and violent films that are not suited to minors.

According to Llamanzares, the MTRCB will not only rely on passenger complaints to track erring drivers and operators but will also deploy the agency’s monitoring team to do surveillance work.

The two agencies said passengers can report drivers and operators who violate the ban by calling the LTFRB hotline 426-2515 and MTRCB hotline 376-7380.                 

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