10 teens gatecrash party, kill groom's pa

Manila, Philippines - Teenage boys gatecrashed a wedding party in Quezon City, declared a robbery and shot dead the groom’s father at past midnight yesterday.

Investigator Police Officer 3 Modestino Juanson said at around 1 a.m., the family of victim Reynaldo Andres Sr. and their wedding guests were enjoying themselves at the house of the victim’s newly wed son, Reynaldo Jr., in Barangay Payatas, when 10 teenagers barged into the house, armed with handguns and knives. Some of them wore either bonnets or caps.

The teenagers declared a heist, causing the guests to run out of the house. One of the robbers grabbed the cell phone of the bride, Angelita, while Reynaldo Sr. tried to fight them off.

Juanson said the victim reportedly threw a plastic chair at the robbers. Wedding guest Ericson Acgang told police he saw one of the robbers shoot Reynaldo Sr. in the shoulder. When the victim fell, the robbers fled, taking with them the bride’s cell phone and nothing else, according to witnesses.

Reynaldo Sr., a farmer from Quirino province, was declared dead on arrival at the Fairview General Hospital.

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