MPD orders probe into summary executions

MANILA, Philippines - Manila Police District director Chief Superintendent Roberto Rongavilla has ordered police officers to find the killers of at least five suspected summary execution victims, whose bodies were dumped in the street over the past month.

 “Though the victims were possibly notorious characters as evidenced by jailhouse tattoos on their bodies, the Philippine National Police does not condone summary executions as a form of meting out swift justice. We respect human rights of every citizen no matter how he or she violates the law,” Rongavilla told The STAR.

Police said the latest victim, a man aged between 35 and 40 years old, was found Saturday in Intramuros, Manila. His head was wrapped with masking tape and his hands were tied behind his back with a nylon cord. The victim’s body bore two stab wounds.

Rongavilla said vigilante groups may have killed the victims outside Manila, but dumped the bodies within city limits. Most of the victims remain unidentified.                                     

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