Actress gives up bid to get city council seat

MANILA, Philippines - Actress Angelika de la Cruz is no longer interested in replacing her brother in the Malabon City council, her father said yesterday.

Angelika’s brother, Edward, garnered the third highest number of votes among the city councilor candidates in the May 10 polls but was killed in a road accident before he was proclaimed.

Ernesto de la Cruz told The STAR in a telephone interview they have already withdrawn their petition for the Liberal Party to nominate the actress as a replacement for her brother.

“We are no longer interested in the city council,” he said.

The elder De la Cruz said since he was elected as chairman of Barangay Longos, they have already lost interest in the council seat and want to concentrate on the running the affairs of the barangay.

He issued the statement as police are still investigating the bombing of their house before dawn Monday.

De la Cruz has already ruled out politics in the attack, saying that they are checking if teen gang members had been involved in the attack.

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