Tiñga urges tight watch vs rival bets who may frame him up for drugs

MANILA, Philippines - Taguig Mayor Sigfrido Tiñga yesterday ordered the local police to maintain its intensified campaign against illegal drugs, amid reports of a plan by their political rivals to frame up relatives or supporters of the Tiñgas on drug offenses.

Based on intelligence reports, a political rival of the Tiñgas has conspired with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency to pin them down on the issue of drugs.

Tiñga’s camp said the report revealed that a PDEA official is colluding with a known political personality to frame up Tiñga family members and supporters, and “plant” evidence of drugs in their homes and campaign headquarters. However, Tiñga expressed confidence that PDEA will not tolerate such a corrupt act. He said the agency headed by Director General Dionisio Santiago, has maintained a high standard of integrity among government agencies. 

“I don’t think that PDEA will allow its name to be dragged by certain politicians to besmirch one’s reputation for selfish gains, and more so, allow itself to be used to serve the ends of dirty politics,” Tiñga said.

PDEA has been included in the 2009 Global Competitiveness Survey Report as one of the 10 least corrupt government agencies in the country.

The mayor said that the city government has always had a good working relationship and coordination with the anti-drug agency. Their combined efforts to curb the drug trade have led to the continued arrest of drug pushers in the city.

“We are grateful to General Santiago and PDEA for continuously helping Taguig in its campaign against drugs, because we share the same goal and no-nonsense approach in eradicating the drug trade,” Tiñga said. He called on the public, particularly their political supporters, to remain vigilant as the city continues to wage an all-out war against illegal drugs, by relaying information to the Taguig City Hotline-1623.

“Community involvement is vital in eliminating the drug menace. In the long run, this collaboration between the city government and the constituents will help in building a peaceful, drug-free community,” the mayor said.

Tiñga said that for lack of accomplishments or genuine issues they could throw against him, his political rivals have become desperate because they continue to lag behind in local surveys. The latter have reportedly resorted to using the issue on drugs against the present administration.

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