Ruby Rose in-law moved to Heart Center

MANILA, Philippines - One of the principal suspects in the Ruby Rose Barrameda-Jimenez murder case has been transferred to a government hospital of his choice, as the court ordered, more than a month after being confined in a private hospital soon after surrendering to the police.

Lawyer Manuel Jimenez, one of the alleged masterminds in the killing of his daughter-in-law, Ruby Rose, in June two years ago, was finally transferred to the Philippine Heart Center from the Angono Medics Hospital in Rizal province.

Superintendent Rommel Estolano, Angono police chief and Jimenez’s official jailer, told The STAR he and his men took the still ailing Jimenez to the PHC at around 1 p.m. last Wednesday.

Estolano said Jimenez remains his prisoner until Malabon Regional Trial Court Branch 170 Judge Hector Almeyda decides on a petition for transfer of custody he filed earlier. He said he had to file the petition as the PHC, which is in Quezon City, is no longer in his area of responsibility.

Almeyda was supposed to decide on Estolano’s petition yesterday but the hearing had to be reset for Friday next week because the judge was attending a convention for judges in Makati City.

The Barrameda family, from the very outset, has fought for the transfer of Jimenez to a government hospital since the latter complained about a heart ailment immediately after surrendering to Estolano. The victim’s family has fought any sign of preferential or special treatment for the suspect.

The court has also ordered PHC medical director Leodegario Torres to subject the suspect to a thorough physical examination to determine if he is physical fit to be finally locked up in jail.

The Barrameda family’s lawyers said Jimenez, as an accused, has no right to stay in a private hospital but only in a government hospital and to be examined by a government doctor.

“A person loses some of his rights once he becomes a prisoner, as Jimenez is in this particular case. His body now belongs to the government as his jailer. The government answers for his food and medicine among others. He has to stay in a government hospital. He cannot choose otherwise,” said Ana Luz Cristal, private lawyer for the Barrameda family.

Jimenez stays at the hospital until he is declared fit by a government doctor.

Barrameda’s lawyers told The STAR that when the checkup is done, the government doctor will recommend whether Jimenez is fit enough to stay in the city jail.

Jimenez, through lawyer Mario Aguinaldo, has assured the court that he will not make any attempt to flee while the case is being heard.   – Jerry Botial

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