Valenzuela to MMDA: Account for flood control funds

MANILA, Philippines - The Valenzuela City Liga ng mga Barangay (LNB) scored the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) yesterday because it has no flood control project in the city despite receiving P35 million each year from the local government.

 “We have been appealing to the MMDA for assistance in our flood problems through flood control projects like in other cities in Metro Manila, but our pleas went to naught,” Councilor Alvin Feliciano, the local LNB head, told The STAR.

According to Feliciano, the Valenzuela City government, through its Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA), remits an annual “share of fund” of around P35 million to the MMDA “on top of the national government’s fund” provided the agency for development project assistance to Metro Manila cities and municipalities.

Barangay Arkong Bato, where Feliciano is chairman, is only one of several low-lying barangays in Valenzuela City that is regularly submerged in floodwaters during heavy rains.

Feliciano said the city council sent a formal request six months ago to the MMDA to furnish the city government copies of their reports of projects done in Valenzuela, particularly in flood mitigation, but the MMDA has yet to respond.

He also said that even the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), another government agency tasked to lead in finding solutions to Metro Manila’s flood problem, “seems to be neglecting us.”

Feliciano said the city government-initiated flood control projects are not enough to contain Valenzuela’s flood problems.

The STAR called the MMDA North Sector office yesterday but its head, Primo Gutierrez, was reportedly attending a conference.

“He may have some inputs on the issue, but our focus here is mainly on traffic not on the flood problem, it’s the main office’s concern,” Allan Borbe, MMDA’s North Sector personnel, said.                 – Pete Laude

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