MRT 24/7 chalks up 'disappointing' numbers

MANILA, Philippines - The EDSA-bound Metro Rail Transit (MRT) saw a disappointing number of passengers on its first night of round-the-clock, and 24 hours, seven days a week operations yesterday.

Reynaldo Berroya, Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) assistant secretary and MRT general manager, told The STAR there was “very low” passenger volume during the extended MRT operations from Monday night to early yesterday morning.

According to their figures, there were only 5,346 passengers from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. yesterday.

While they had no projected ridership figure, Berroya said that they had hoped to hit a passenger volume of 12,000.

Along with the ridership turnout, Berroya said they were closely monitoring the rail line and its rolling stock to assess the effect of its round-the-clock operations and the absence of its previous hours of stoppage during which it gets its daily maintenance check.

He said since it was just the first night of the 24/7 operation “trial period,” they will look into the ridership in the next few days.

President Arroyo had ordered the MRT to operate 24/7 mainly to provide a cheap, safe and fast mode of transport for call center employees who go to work at odd hours of the evening and morning in Metro Manila.

Before the 24/7 operations, DOTC officials earlier admitted serious safety concerns clouded the MRT operations due to the overloading during peak hours when thousands of Metro Manilans use the rail line. – Rainier Allan Ronda

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