Marikina cops top EPD third-quarter evaluation

The Marikina City police topped the performance evaluation rating (PER) of the Eastern Police District (EPD) for the third quarter of the year.

“It is most likely that the Marikina City police would emerge as the best performing police station in the EPD area for 2008,” EPD director Chief Superintendent Leon Nilo de la Cruz said.

The Marikina City police, under Superintendent Sotero Ramos Jr., ran away with the Best Police Station award by winning at the level of the EPD, National Capital Regional Police Office and the national level of the Philippine National Police.

The EPD director said the four police stations under his command were rated based on personnel management, police intelligence, investigation and operations, logistics management, police community relations.

Out of 1,000 points, the Marikina City police garnered 742.23, followed by the San Juan police station with 669.17, the Mandaluyong police with 656.91 and the Pasig police with 641.80.    – Non Alquitran

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