NAIA terminals on red alert

“Due to the recent bombing of the Marriot hotel in Pakistan killing over a hundred people and injuring more than 300, we raised the security level of the entire Ninoy Aquino International Airport terminals into red alert status.”

Manila International Airport Authority general manager Alfonso Cusi said yesterday the move to raise the alert status is more of a precautionary move on the part of the MIAA.

“This should not be a cause for alarm to passengers, there is no threat to airport security, we are confident about our security set-up and we don’t want to be complacent,” Cusi said.

There will be no additional deployment of people, however, all security personnel are on standby at their respective barracks, ready to respond to any eventuality, Cusi said. He said that the application for leave of absence and personnel days-off are suspended until the red alert status resumes to normalcy.

Cusi ordered assistant general manager for security and emergency services Angel Atutubo to dispatch K-9 units to patrol the terminal areas as its deployment is also a matter of procedures, especially under this alert level.

“We advice passengers not to be alarmed if they see sniffing dogs around the area it’s just a precautionary measure,” he said.

Cusi added that there will be an intensified intelligence build up and extra vigilance all over the NAIA complex.

“We seek the cooperation of all airport workers, passengers and airport users to help us in our efforts to monitor suspicious looking characters, unusual movements, or even left alone bags or package and to report it to the nearest police authorities or airport staff or officials” Cusi said.

Further, Cusi warned the public from dealing with people who represent themselves as agents of the MIAA or who use his name to obtain concession spaces at the NAIA terminals. “I warn the public from dealing with these people as I have never allowed anybody beyond the aurthorized MIAA officials to handle applications for concessions or any transaction related to obtaining commercial spaces inside the terminals,” Cusi said.

He said that interested parties must apply directly to the MIAA Business Development & Concession Department, “All applications will be evaluated and we always maintain transparency and fairness,” Cusi added.

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