PDEA to PNP: Crack whip on negligent cops

The head of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) has asked the leadership of the Philippine National Police (PNP) to impose more disciplinary measures on erring policemen, especially those whose neglect of their court duties resulted in the dismissal of cases against drug suspects.

“We in the PDEA have no direct control over erring policemen as we only give recommendations for disciplinary actions to the PNP. We really need to exercise disciplinary powers and bring back the old glory of the police service,” PDEA director general Dionisio Santiago said in a statement.

He said some policemen still fail to perform their duties in court cases against arrested drug suspects despite constant reminders and coordination from his office.

Santiago believes the order of National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Geary Barias for the dismissal of five erring policemen “was long overdue, if only to set an example to other erring policemen.”

Barias sacked PO3 Rene Saul, PO2 Victor Aquino, PO2 Reyno Riparip, and PO1 Estelito Ortega, all members of the Quezon City Police District; and PO2 Reynaldo Labong of the NCRPO Headquarters and Support Group for failing to attend hearings at the Quezon City Regional Trial Court that resulted in the dismissal of cases filed against suspected pushers Helen Roxas and Jessie Rosete.

All five policemen were the ones who arrested Roxas and Rosete.

The PDEA earlier charged the five policemen of violating Section 92, Article 10 (delay and bungling in the prosecution of drug cases) of Republic Act 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act).

The case is punishable with a jail term of up to 20 years. – Edu Punay

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