Manila prosecutor found guilty of bribery

An assistant city prosecutor of Manila was convicted yesterday by the Sandiganbayan’s first division of direct bribery and sentenced to a maximum of nearly three years’ imprisonment and temporary disqualification from government service.

Jose Daguman was also ordered to pay a fine of P10,000 for receiving marked money to recommend the dismissal of a robbery charge against Russ Garame in exchange for P5,000.

He was arrested by National Bureau of Investigation agents after Garame’s wife, Estrella, placed marked money in his desk drawer during an entrapment operation on May 5, 1999.

Associate Justice Rodolfo Ponferrada penned the decision, which was promulgated yesterday. Associate Justices Diosdado Peralta and Alexander Gesmundo concurred with the decision.

Records also show that Daguman was dismissed from the Department of Justice and his retirement benefits and leave credits forfeited after he was found guilty of the administrative charges of grave misconduct, dishonesty, conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service and conduct unbecoming of a public officer.   – Sandy Araneta


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