Truckloads of garbage collected from Bay

The Manila city government collected yesterday four truckloads of garbage from the Baywalk along Roxas Boulevard, where floating debris and trash ended up as a result of strong waves from Manila Bay.

Engineer Rafael Borromeo, head of the Department of Public Services-Manila City Hall (DPS-MCH), said they often take advantage of the huge waves that cough up garbage into the Baywalk, where they are easier to collect.

"The volume is always larger during heavy rains compared to days when the water is calm. On regular days, collectors can only haul an average of one truckload of trash," he said.

Last week, when Florita hit Metro Manila, they were able to collect almost eight truckloads.

Most of the garbage collected are plastic cups, styrofoam and bamboo sticks from destroyed fish pens in Cavite," Borromeo said. Evelyn Macairan

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