Navotas ready for La Niña

Navotas Mayor Toby Tiangco has announced it is making ready plans to counter the effects of an anticipated longer than usual La Niña season.

Tiangco said he has directed all concerned agencies under the Navotas Disaster Coordinating Council to adopt appropriate contingency measures and activate its special units for a quick response to any emergency at the onset of a very wet and prolonged weather system.

The mayor said the emergency groups will be on call on a 24-hour basis in time of crisis.

He said flood monitoring teams of the Municipal Engineering Office are tending to all pumping stations seeing to it that they are fully operational and all drainage systems are working.

The Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office will be on alert for relief operations.

Tiangco said that although they have gained some headway in mitigating the flooding in the town, some problems still crop up because of indiscriminate throwing of garbage by incorrigible and undisciplined residents.

The mayor reminded his constituents that even the smallest piece of garbage could clog the drainage pipes and inlets, preventing floodwaters from going down the canals.

"Once you throw garbage on the street, they have nowhere to go but the drainage. If that happens, we are putting more burden on our pumps and their effectiveness in keeping the water from flooding our town would be greatly reduced. Again I ask of you to please properly dispose of your garbage," said Tiangco.

The Public Information Office (PIO) was also asked to activate the Navotas Action Center to promptly relay vital messages to all departments, including school authorities and the public, on tidal highs and lows, typhoon alerts and suspension of classes.

The local disaster team is composed of the Public Order and Safety Office, MEO, MSWDO, Municipal Health Office, the Navotas police, school officials and the PIO.

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