Retirement triggers major revamp at PNP

Eight ranking officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) have been affected in a recent revamp following the retirement of the chief of the directorate for comptrollership last Wednesday.

Sources said PNP chief Director General Arturo Lomibao met with the eight newly appointed heads of the directorial staff and regional directors last Wednesday before flying to Jakarta, Indonesia for a two-day multilateral meeting of the chiefs of ASEAN police and heads of counter-terrorism of all ASEAN countries.

The reshuffle took place after Director Quirino dela Torre retired last Wednesday.

Those affected by the reshuffle in the directorate level were Chief Superintendent Servando Hizon, who is now chief of the Directorate for Comptollership (DC); Chief Superintendent Noe Wong, chief of the Directorate for Logistics (DL); Chief Superintendent Antonio Billones, chief of the Directorate for Police Community Relation (DPCR).

Chief Superintendent Leonardo Dionios is now the police regional director in Cordillera; while Chief Superintendent Florante Baguio is appointed as regional director for Northern Mindanao (Region 10).

Former Traffic Management Group (TMG) Chief Superintendent Ricardo Quinto, who took a leave of absence for taking the heat over a recent carnapping and carjacking spree, has been appointed director of Southern Mindanao (Region 11).

It was gathered that Lomibao also tapped Senior Superintendent Antonio Nañas to head the Central Operation Center (COC).

Senior Superintendent Jaime Milla is now the chief of the Security Agency Guard Supervisory Division (SAGSD).

Three other ranking police officers are set to bow out of office.

They are Chief Superintendents Alberto Olario, who will retire on Nov. 19; Dante Tejada on Nov. 20 and Reynod Gonzales and Nov. 22.

Next month, four ranking police officials will also retire from the service and will result in another major reshuffle at the PNP.

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