3 bus bomb suspects plead guilty

Three of the four suspects in the bombing of a passenger bus in Makati City on Valentine’s Day pleaded guilty to multiple murder during a re-arraignment in Makati City yesterday.

Gappel Bannah Asali alias "Boy Negro," who earlier admitted to supplying the explosives that killed four people, re-entered a guilty plea. Angelo Trinidad alias "Abu Khalil" and Gamal Baharan alias "Tapay," who had earlier denied involvement in the bombing, followed suit.

Trinidad and Baharan are accused of planting the bomb.

Asali also pleaded guilty of multiple frustrated murder while Trinidad and Baharan entered not guilty pleas.

The fourth suspect, Indonesian Rohmat alias "Jacky," who was only recently arrested by the police, is the only remaining suspect who denied participation in the attack.

The second arraignment took place at around 2 p.m. yesterday at the sala of Branch 60 Judge Marissa Guillen of the Makati City Regional Trial Court (MCRTC).

She is hearing both the multiple murder and multiple frustrated murder charges lodged against the four.

Guillen scheduled the pre-trial conference of the case to April 18 which will most likely be held at the old session hall of the Makati City Hall.

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