SPD bats for phone courtesy

The Southern Police District (SPD) yesterday said they are continuing a crack down against police officers who are discourteous over the telephone and promised to a drastic change in behavior — from arrogant thugs to humble servants.

Senior Superintendent Ronald Sabug of the SPD-District Inspectorate Unit said under the leadership of SPD director Chief Superintendent Prospero Noble Jr., they plan to transform all their policemen into "gentlemen."

"It has become the culture of policemen to be arrogant when answering the phone. Para silang is Romy Diaz, yung kontrabida sa pelikula. Dapat para silang si Dolphy na malumanay magsalita, para bang nangangatog pa ang tuhod kung sasagot sa phone," Sabug said.

Since the SPD cannot change hope to do this overnight, officials would continue to make random telephone calls to stations to keep them their men on check.

Since Noble assumed the SPD post last December, the district has made two sets of random telephone calls to seven police stations and to headquarters to catch policemen who are discourteous to people calling their offices.

So far, the SPD has reprimanded 20 policemen.

As penalty, each erring officer, like Grade 1 pupils, are required to repeatedly write the sentence: "I will be more courteous in answering telephone calls" in five back-to-back pages of yellow pad.

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