Reward offered for arrest of Sto. Nino thieves

Senator Robert Barbers offered yesterday a P250,000 reward for anyone who can provide information that will lead to the arrest of thieves who stole the 300-year-old gold image of the child Jesus from the historic San Agustin Church.

Barbers, a devout Sto. Nino patron, also appealed to his colleagues from the Western Police District to double-up on the investigation into the missing Sto. Nino and relentlessly track down the suspects.

"It upsets me to see that there are some people who can be insensitive and make an ungodly act of robbing a holy image of Christ. If you were to ask me, this dastardly act is similar to committing a heinous crime. We are a predominantly Christian nation and stealing such an item that has historical, cultural and religious value goes beyond the sphere of an ordinary case of theft," the senator said.

Barbers, who started being a follower of the Sto. Nino in the early years of his police career, said that the image of the child Jesus has saved his life several times during critical times when he participated in dangerous dragnet operations against hardened criminals.

He said that to this day, he still goes to Sto. Nino feasts as part of his pledge and thanksgiving for the Sto. Niño’s miraculous wonders which have made a big difference in his life.

"The Sto. Nino has been a part of my life. I always pray for his guidance. The theft of his image in San Agustin Church last week is something very personal to me. I appeal to the perpetrators to give up and immediately surrender the sacred image of the infant Jesus before the authorities apprehend them. I hope their conscience catches up on them before we catch up with them," Barbers said. Jose Rodel Clapano

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