Fearing for his life, murder suspect comes out of hiding

Fearing possible liquidation, a 32-year-old twin-slay suspect surrendered to Manila police yesterday afternoon and admitted to his crime, but claimed it was self-defense.

Ferdie Santos, a billiard hall attendant with no permanent address, had been sought by police for the fatal shooting of Napoleon Felices, 53, and Hernani Sanchez, 54, last Feb. 6 in Moriones, Tondo.

Santos said he had been in hiding after the incident when word got to him that he was allegedly marked for liquidation by a relative of one of his victims.

Seeking the assistance of Tondo Councilor Gonzalo Gonzalez, barangay chairman Luisito Villar and lawyer Santiago Hernandez, the suspect was accompanied to the Western Police District headquarters where he personally surrendered to WPD director Chief Superintendent Pedro Bulaong.

Santos told Bulaong that he shot the two men out of self defense. He claimed that in the morning of Feb. 6, the two men were drunk and refused to pay their bill.

They allegedly threatened Santos. "Ano ang gusto mo bayad o bala?" Santos quoted one of the victims as telling him.

He went on to say that that the two were determined to shoot him, prompting him to grab the gun and fire at the two men. Felices died on the spot while Sanchez was declared dead on arrival at the hospital for multiple gunshot wounds.

The suspect said he threw away the gun and left for Bulacan province, where he constantly changed hiding places to elude arrest.

However, veteran police investigators doubted his version of the incident and claimed it was impossible for him to grab the gun from the victim considering his small frame. Relatives of the victims also claimed the two men had no guns at the time of the incident.

Charges are now being prepared against Santos who is now detained at the WPD’s integrated jail.

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