Complaint filed vs Malonzo

Caloocan City Mayor Reynaldo Malonzo, his common-law wife Gwendolyn Emnace and Vice Mayor Luis "Tito" Varela, havebeen slapped with administrative and criminal charges before the Ombudsman.

Complainant Luis "Chito" Razo, 43, of 571 Aquino street, Sta. Quiteria, Caloocan City, said that in line with President Arroyo’s lifestyle and morality checks on public officials, he has charged Malonzo and Emnace with "disgraceful and immoral conduct, using a fictitious name and concealing true names." He has also filed against the couple and Varela additional criminal charges of malversation of public funds or property.

Malonzo, when asked to comment, simply dismissed the information with a laugh. "Tell them the mayor just laughed. Expected ko na yan. Hayaan natin silang sumikat," Malonzo said.

Malonzo has filed for the annulment of his marriage to Veronica in the middle of this year before Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 124 Judge Victoria Isabel Paredes.

In his two-page affidavit filed before the Ombudsman, Razo said the real name of Gigi Malonzo is Gwendolyn Emnace but she has been publicly introducing herself as Gigi Malonzo and wife of the mayor "without authority of law and for the purpose of defrauding Veronica Ayson-Malonzo, the real Mrs. Malonzo."

"Consequently, Emnace has no legal basis in using the surname of the mayor although the latter has apparently given his consent to the former to use his surname," Razo said. He added that flagrantly displaying their relationship to the public is a violation of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

Razo also said the malversation case stems from the use of city funds for billboard displays among others. Jerry Botial

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