Red Cross needs P300-M

While there can never be a price tag on a life saved, one has to be practical these days.

To continue its mission of alleviating human sufferings and protecting lives of distressed Filipinos, the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) needs at least P300 million.

PNRC chairman Brig. Gen. Jaime Canatoy said even the country’s premier humanitarian organization has to have an adequate budget to deliver services and save more lives.

The PNRC launched last Tuesday a nationwide and year-round solicitation drive aimed at raising the much needed funds.

Since the PNRC is an independent organization, Canatoy said, they are relying on resources accumulated through voluntary donations from individuals and corporations.

PNRC treasurer Adelina Rodriguez reported that last year, they collected a total contribution of P269 million, which was P23 million short of their total expenditure.

Rodriguez pointed out that the Department of Health (DOH) had cut down its monthly assistance to the PNRC by P750,000.

Despite the limited resources, the PNRC was able to provide blood services to a total of 58,491 Filipinos.

The PNRC also provided disaster relief to almost half a million people as well as extending basic health management training to thousands of volunteers.

Tourism Secretary and PNRC national chairman Richard Gordon said the service provided by the PNRC at this time is essential, considering the prevailing terrorist threats and health problems in the country. Mayen Jaymalin

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