Tighter security at WPD

The Western Police District (WPD) has implemented tight security measures within its compound to prevent a possible attack on the police headquarters.

At the WPD headquarters along United Nations Avenue, only a single gate remains open the entire day while vehicles entering the compound are required to secure a car pass from the guard on duty.

Persons visiting the police headquarters must always carry an identification card, which according to WPD spokesman Chief Inspector Gerry Agunod, will ensure that only authorized persons with official business transactions are inside the compound.

At the same time, WPD director Senior Superintendent Pedro Bulaong assured Manila residents and tourists that proper terror contingency plans are now in place against possible terror attacks in the city.

Bulaong met with security officers of malls and hotels located in Manila to discuss security measures to be implemented to avert possible attack of terrorists.

"Director Bulaong had called on Manila residents to remain calm and be vigilant against suspicious persons in their midst, as the police are exerting every possible means to provide security and safety to the people," Agunod said.

As a preemptive measure against terrorists and other criminal elements, the police will be conducting random inspections and searches on persons, baggage and vehicles.

With "Oplan Sita," the police will accost and search suspicious-looking persons as well as their baggage and vehicle.

As this developed, Agunod assured tourists that the peace and order situation in the city is still manageable, and that the reported bomb threats were all pure hoaxes.

Agunod said that despite the bomb hoaxes, the WPD-Explosives and Ordnance Division (WPD-EOD) will not relent on its duties to protect the people from deadly bomb explosions. The 12-man personnel of the WPD-EOD receives at least four prank calls a day, according to Agunod. Nestor Etolle

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