NBI finally clears up appointment mess

After a highly confusing episode, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) finally has a new assistant director in the person of Lolito Utitco, the bureau’s former director for special investigation service.

It can be recalled that confusion arose following the appointment by Malacañang of Utitco and Fermin Nasol to the post.

Utitco took his oath before Justice Secretary Hernando Perez yesterday while Nasol, the former acting NBI assistant director, was supposed to take his oath before President Arroyo tomorrow.

In a telephone interview with The STAR, NBI Director Reynaldo Wycoco stressed that there was really no confusion in the appointment of the new assistant director.

"There was no confusion. Both of them are qualified in terms of experience and qualification, but it was Assistant Director Utitco who was chosen. Besides, my office only received the appointment papers of Utitco," Wycoco said.

With Utitco’s appointment, Nasol would become director of the special investigation service.

"He (Nasol) would be occupying a very important post in the bureau," Wycoco said.

Nasol, 62, is a certified public accountant who joined the NBI in 1967, while his kumpadre Utitco, 63, is a lawyer who joined the agency in 1966.

A visibly upset Nasol told reporters yesterday that it was still unclear to him what exactly happened.

"I did not expect this. I still do not know how this happened. I was expecting all along to be sworn in on Wednesday. However, I got word from an agent last Friday that my appointment did not materialize and it was deputy Utitco who got the confirmation," he said.

Nasol added that he was not officially informed that his appointment did not push through. He was also not informed of the reasons for the unexpected change in appointment.

Despite what happened, Nasol said he would follow orders.

"I would follow whatever decision is made. I am sure they have their reasons," he said.

Nasol noted that this was the first time that seniority in the selection of the NBI assistant director was not honored. Mike Frialde

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