Former BJMP chief faces demotion by 2 ranks

A former officer-in-charge of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology is in danger of getting demoted by two ranks, from chief superintendent to superintendent, following the filing of a complaint before the Civil Service Commission for allegedly using a fake accreditation from the Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) in order to gain promotions.

This was disclosed yesterday by Senior Supt. Josue Engano, the duly-appointed chief of the jail bureau, who filed the complaint with the CSC Thursday against Chief Supt. Arturo Alit.

An investigation by a BJMP Probe Committee on Anomalous Promotions disclosed that Alit leads some 50 officers who are without the required Officer’s Senior Executive Course (OSEC) accreditation from the PPSC. His name does not appear in the master list of BJMP officers granted by PPSC with OSEC accreditation.

Engano said Director Dulce Reyes, of the PPSC Secretariat, already confirmed in a formal communication sent to DILG Secretary Jose Lina Jr. that Alit is among those without OSEC accreditation. An OSEC accreditation is a mandatory requirement for promotion from the rank of superintendent (lieutenant colonel) to senior superintendent or higher. The same records showed that Alit was only granted by the PPSC an accreditation for an Officer Advance Course (OAC) which entitles him for promotion to the maximum rank of superintendent.

In his complaint filed before the office of CSC chairperson Karina David, Engano said that Alit misled the Commission, the DILG and the BJMP when he applied for promotion in 1997 from superintendent to senior superintendent by claiming he is a holder of an OSEC accreditation. He again used the same accreditation when he sought CSC approval of his promotion to the rank of chief superintendent in 1999, Engano said.

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