Gay jailed for forcing anal sex on boy

A 22-year-old alleged homosexual landed in jail after a 14-year-old high school student accused him of performing anal sex on him in a cemetery Wednesday night in Malabon City.

Romero Umaga, 22, of Dr. Lozana Street, Barangay Tugatog, was locked up on complaint of the victim. Investigation conducted by case officer PO2 Peter Rios showed the incident happened at around 7:30 Wednesday night.

The victim told police that he was accosted by the suspect as he came out of the school premises before dark. At knifepoint, the suspect allegedly forced him to go with him to the nearby Tugatog public cemetery.

Once inside, the victim, fearing for his life, acceded to every command of the suspect. He was allegedly ordered to undress after which Umaga started to fondle is private parts.

Not satisfied with this, the victim claimed he was ordered to lie with his face down on top of one of the concrete tombs and was penetrated from behind. After spending his lust, the suspect allegedly fled but not before warning him about telling anyone about the abuse.

The victim hurriedly went home and revealed his ordeal to his parents who wasted no time in filing a complaint against the suspect. A police follow-up operation resulted in Umaga’s immediate arrest.

The suspect flatly denied the allegations of rape but admitted he just caressed and masturbated the victim.

It was also learned the suspect was frequently seen in front of the victim’s school prompting the police to theorize that he could have victimized other minors.

Charges of rape and child abuse were filed against the suspect. Jerry Botial

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