WPD cop faces sex charges

Following an alleged drug buy-bust operation, the chief of the Sta. Cruz, Manila, police station’s Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) was accused by a 39-year-old woman of allegedly sexually molesting her inside a Sta. Cruz motel the other night.

In her complaint to the General Assignments Section of the Western Police District, the victim told investigators that she and three men were inside a house in Sta. Cruz when elements of the Sta. Cruz police DEU barged in and arrested them for alleged drug possession.

The victim told investigators that she and the three men were then brought by police to the Sta. Cruz police station near the Central Market for investigation.

At the police station, the victim was allegedly approached by Inspector Joselito Binayug, chief of the Sta. Cruz police DEU who told her to accompany him to a jeep parked outside the station.

While seated in the parked jeep, Binayug allegedly asked the victim if she was interested in renting a nearby house. They then went to the house owned by a certain Marie to inquire but Binayug and the owner reportedly disagreed on the price and no deal was made.

Binayug and the victim then returned to the police station where she asked the suspect if she could go home to take a shower and rest. The suspect then ordered one of his men, a certain "Mark" to drive her in white and gray Tamaraw FX.

The victim told police that Mark let her off near the Central Market at about 1 a.m. where she transferred to a jeep driven by Binayug.

According to the victim, Binayug took her to the Vista Hotel and Restaurant near the Arranque Market. They then went to room 15A where the suspect allegedly told her to take a quick shower.

The victim said that after 15 minutes, she went out of the shower and was then allegedly forced by the suspect to bed. Binayug then allegedly started kissing and touching her. The victim said that as Binayug was allegedly making his sexual advances, she told him that she was suffering from a venereal disease.

Police said this prompted the suspect to stop and instead forced the victim into performing oral sex on him. After the incident, she was ordered to go by the suspect. After leaving the motel, the victim sought the help of a friend who accompanied her to the WPD headquarters. —— Mike Frialde

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