Caloocan solvent boys arrested

Four allegedly notorious "solvent boys," tagged by the police as responsible for a series of pillbox-throwing inside a public high school campus and of harassing its students, were arrested over the weekend in Caloocan City.

Superintendent Gene Ines Abrajano, chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-Northern Field Office, identified three of the suspects only as Joseph, 16, Alvin, 17, Ranilo, 16, and one Jesus de Leon, 19, all of Dagat-Dagatan, Malabon City.

The suspects, all out of school youths, were apprehended by the CIDG-NFO agents led by PO2 Jayvee Florendo at about 2:20 p.m. while reportedly in the act of sniffing rugby along Langaray street in Kaunlaran Village, Caloocan City near the CIDG office.

Abrajano said the boys are known toughies in the area and are often the subject of complaints by students of Macario High School for allegedly extorting money from them and for throwing pillbox inside the school campus several times in the recent past.

"The boys were also complained of initiating riots near the school campus and of harassing the students," Abrajano said.

Charges were filed Saturday against the suspects with the Caloocan City prosecutor’s office and Prosecutor Oscar Yu recommended a total of P240,000 bail for their temporary liberty.

The suspects are now detained at the Caloocan City Jail.

Meanwhile, joint operations of the CIDG-NFO and the Northern Police District Intelligence Unit under Chief Inspector Sotero Ramos Jr. against fake video compact discs over the weekend resulted in the seizure of more than 1,000 pieces of fake VCDs.

The operations were conducted at Star J Plaza in Barangay Tañong, Malabon City and at Sangandaan in Caloocan City.

The confiscated items were turned over to the Videogram Regulatory Board (VRB) for proper disposition. – Pete Laude

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