No recall for re-assigned cops

Metro Manila police chief Director Edgar Aglipay won’t take back the more than 400 policemen transferred to far-flung areas of the country as a form of disciplinary action.

Aglipay said he was only exercising his managerial prerogative when he recommended the transfer to the provinces of the 400 policemen, majority of whom refused to report for the early morning formation and had not been wearing complete uniforms.

A number of policemen, especially members of the Manila’s Finest Brotherhood Association Inc. (MFBAI) has petitioned the National Police Commission (Napolcom) for their intervention on Aglipay’s punishment on erring policemen. The MFBAI appeared to have won the first round of their battle when Napolcom Vice Chairman and Executive Commissioner Rogelio Pureza directed recently the National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) and other police regional offices to return reassigned and transferred policemen to their respective units and desist from performing arbitrary relief and assignments in the future.

But the MFBAIs victory was short-lived. Pureza has dropped his objection to Aglipay’s punishment after being fully briefed early this week of the mechanics and objective of the NCRPOs deployment scheme.

In his meeting with Pureza, Aglipay said his move to transfer policemen to the provinces is being backed by Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Leandro Mendoza and the Metro Manila mayors.

Aglipay also cited a Supreme Court ruling directing all policemen to strictly follow or obey the chain of command. The SC’s ruling penned by Associate Justice Bernardo Pardo also stated that the judiciary has no authority to interfere with police functions as long as it "involves no demotion, reduction or diminution in ranks, status or salary."

According to Aglipay, Pureza softened up after hearing his side on the issue. "He (Pureza) told me, he will withdraw his opposition to the assignment transfer because it has the full support of PNP chief Mendoza and the Metro Manila mayors," said Aglipay in an interview.

When asked by Pureza who will take over the job vacated by more than 400 transferred policemen, Aglipay said at least 90 percent of the 503 policemen coming from other regions outside the NCRPO, have expressed interest in serving and be assigned in Metro Manila.

The 503 policemen were in Metro Manila as augmentation forces for the EDSA I and II celebrations.

"These people are not assets of this command anymore," said Aglipay of the transferred policemen. "So what we did was to exchange them with those who wanted to serve and be assigned in Metro Manila."

With Pureza now standing behind him, Aglipay said his disciplinary action would continue until all policemen toe the line.

He stressed that his effort to improve police services in Metro Manila would now be on full throttle.

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