Man nabbed for fraud in Pasig City

A jobless man was arrested yesterday for forging the signature of Mayor Soledad Eusebio to solicit funds for a volleyball tournament for Pasig City Hall employees.

The suspect, Francisco Lumatao, 37, of 10 Esguerra Compound, Barangay Pinagbuhatan, was collecting the money from the management of the Chowking Fastfood at Barangay Nicolas when cornered by a team led by Rolando Anselmo, chief of the Pasig City Action Line.

Lumatao handed over the solicitation letter to the fastfood branch manager, Dominga Carman, 27, at 1:30 p.m. yesterday. The volleyball tournament reportedly sponsored by the "Refuse Environmental" was set to start tomorrow afternoon.

Before handing over the money to Lumatao, Carman checked with Anselmo who coordinated with Eusebio’s office to determine whether the lady mayor had indeed signed solicitation letters for an inter-department volleyball tournament.

Upon being advised that Eusebio’s signature was forged, Anselmo rushed to the establishment and had Lumatao arrested. The suspect gave himself up peacefully. He invoked his constitutional rights to remain silent.

Superintendent John Sosito, Pasig City police chief, said Lumatao will be charged with forgery in the City Prosecutor’s Office. He is detained at the Pasig City detention center. – Non Alquitran

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