Complaints dubious, says CAV’s Agarao

"Documents will bear me out."

This was the assertion of embattled Crusade Against Violence (CAV) president Carina Agarao amid calls for her resignation from the organization’s members, following accusations of missing funds and mis-using the group’s property.

Agarao welcomed an audit of the CAV’s property and funds by any of the legitimate members of the organization to prove that "neither money nor property was missing."

Juliet Cruz, a former CAV auditor, demanded Agarao’s resignation because of unaccounted funds, facilities and property of the crime watchdog.

However, Agarao claimed Cruz, now an officer of the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption, was trying to discredit her credibility to weaken the organization’s call for the resignation of Philippine National Police chief Deputy Director General Leandro Mendoza.

"The complaint is dubious. I have here proof that the complaint about missing funds was originally against Dante Jimenez. How come it’s now against me?" Agarao asked.

Agarao pointed out that the move to oust her surfaced only after she and other CAV members vocally opposed the appointment of Mendoza.

She noted the complainants have been out of the organization since they left in 1988 and formed VACC, the first organization to pay a courtesy call on Mendoza shortly after the latter was named the PNP chief.

Agarao also said Grace Maguan could attest to the fact that the money of the organization is very well accounted for. Maguan is the sister of slain Eldon Maguan whom multi-millionaire Rolito Go shot at close range during a traffic altercation in San Juan in 1992.

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