Malabon man hangs self

For failing to pay the rent, a 40-year-old man hanged himself Sunday in Tugatog, Malabon.

Eduardo Bautista of 29 Bonifacio St., Barangay Tugatog, was found hanging inside his home by a skipping rope, police investigators said.

Police said Bautista was found dead by his sister at about 2 p.m. and was rushed to the Pagamutang Bayan ng Malabon where he was declared dead on arrival by attending physicians.

Reports said the victim could not afford to pay his house rent and was four months in debt. Bautista’s landlady said she wanted the victim and his family out of the house immediately.

This was the final straw for Bautista, who locked himself inside his room and used his daughter’s skipping rope to hang himself. – Matthew Estabillo

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