Caretaker shot dead

CEBU, Philippines - A caretaker of a poultry farm in sitio Guia, barangay Upper Panadtaran, San Fernando town, on his way to work Monday evening, was shot dead by an unidentified man on a motorcycle.

Roberto Serrano, 37, of sitio Taguik, succumbed to four gunshot wounds to his chest.

He was taken to the South General Hospital in Naga City but did not get there alive.

The gunman was allegedly wearing a jacket and covering his face at the time of the shooting.

The motorcycle’s driver remains unidentified.

PO3 Marjukin Misuari, of the San Fernando Police Station, said Serrano was on his way to the Michael Farm at around 9:00 p.m. when a motorcycle passed by him.

The man sitting behind the driver reportedly got off from the motorcycle, approached him, and fired pointblank several times. (FREEMAN)

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