Ziggy Savella’s dirty thirties

MANILA, Philippines - All my designer idols are watching,” designer Ziggy Savella tweeted moments before his collection hit the runway for the inaugural Bench Fashion Week. It was a casual time in the front row with designers Lesley Mobo, Joey Samson, and Ivarluski Aseron to name a few. A tough lineup to please if anybody’s asking.

Savella, a designer for almost a decade now, is known for his impeccable tailoring and vision for menswear design. While he may still be considered a young designer, he’s slowly making a mark on his own as one of the best in the business. And his recent collection proves just that. In this YStyle exclusive, a first look at Ziggy Savella’s s/s 2017 collection.

YSTYLE: What was the inspiration behind your collection? ?

ZIGGY SAVELLA: From the great excess that is the 20s and the whole Great Depression era that came after. I was really amazed at how the turn of events created a huge difference in the fashion sense of the people during that time. Inspired by the American “Dirty ‘30s” period, the collection merges the concepts of working class fashion and an undiminished necessity to express personal style. It echoes the era’s individualistic yet reasonable approach to clothing, with less conservative and more relaxed silhouettes.

Is there something new from this collection that you haven’t done before in your previous ones?

To mimic the look of worn-out and soiled clothing I tried an airbrushing technique in some of the pieces to create a gradient washed look.

If there’s a song that best describes this collection, what would it be and why?

Any song from the album “Bromst” by Dan Deacon can probably represent the work that went into this collection. It exuded a feel of hardwork and ?community which was the main essence during that era.

While most designers go the street wear direction, why have you kept your own aesthetic different?

I’d like to think of it as probably how street wear was during that era. Sure it has elements of old world feel but clearly workable in the now. ?

Who is the Ziggy Savella client?

Low key, practical, imaginative 

How many years have you been designing?

I’ve been out of design school for 11 years now. I’ve been working since then. ?

How do you think you have grown since your first collection?

Ever since I started doing collections I make it a point that wearability plays a big factor. The only difference now is that fabric choices and attention to small details are more polished. I edit, re-edit before everything gets out.?

You’ve always been known to be the go-to designer for suits, what else is there that you haven’t explored but always wanted to?

A full sportswear line. Unfortunately, the technology that goes in to creating great sportswear is something that’s not on hand. Back in school, I’ve also wanted to work for a brand like Adidas and create sneakers and clothes that go with it.?

Who is your dream client?

I’d really like to have a full spectrum of clientele. I’ve worked with different kinds of people and the experience is different but the goal is usually all the same.

?How do you see yourself five years from now?

I’d like to see myself still doing exactly what I do now only with great experience. I would like to work with people who are not necessarily in the fashion industry but artists that will keep me inspired and going on. Also, work with businessmen who will make the most out of my potential.


Photos by BJ PASCUAL

Grooming by ELAINE CHING

Modeled by IAGO FARIA,



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