Fashion Watch: Ab Fab returns

MANILA, Philippines - There’s plenty to watch, what with the season back in full swing till sweeps. Here, a couple worth a watch.

For readers past their infancy in the early ’90s, the news regarding the return of BBC series Absolutely Fabulous (or Ab Fab) prompted shrieks of delight like no other. Many of us grew up watching Eddy (a hilarious Jennifer Saunders) and Patsy (Joanna Lumley) on cable re-runs drinking enormous quantities of alcohol, maniacally devoting themselves to trends and obnoxiously toasting to designers (“It’s Lacroix, darling!”) before Sex and the City and its ilk entered the scene.

To celebrate the series’ 20th anniversary, the BBC agreed to air three specials for the small screen. Already, the Brit duo are getting up to speed on the pop culture phenoms of 2012: namely the Kardashians. “Who are these people? There’s a new disease called the Kardashians, darling! They’ve just spread…” says Eddy. “Like herpes, each one of them with their own reality show. They’re multiplying like head lice,” concludes Patsy.

It’s bound to be exciting when Eddy and Patsy discover The Real Housewives franchise or Brangelina for the first time. We’re giddy at the thought of one of the Jersey housewives getting into it with the brash Brits.

Marginal reality stars, beware. These two are on to you.

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