Workout becomes play with man's best friend

MANILA, Philippines - Walking and running around the block aren’t the only exercises you can do with your canine friend.

Swimming. What’s a few strands of dog hair in the water when you’re having fun? As you happily splash and dog paddle around the pool with your pet, you’re also working all your muscle groups without straining your joints and putting undue pressure on your knees.

Hiking. Writer Tom Ryan and his canine buddy Atticus M. Finch attempted to climb 96 snow-draped mountains within 90 days, braving the harsh elements and relying on each other for support. The duo managed to reach 48 high peaks, no small feat, and the experience also further cemented their extraordinary friendship, which Ryan narrated in his book Following Atticus (you can also read about their adventures at Now, it doesn’t require a mountain for you to bond with your pet. When out of town and with your dog in tow, go on a trek on some trail and watch him explore nature with his sharp nose as your guide.

Biking. If you a have a medium- to large-sized dog, go on a bike ride and let them play catch up with you. This gives them the chance to go on a full run at an extended period, something they don’t get to enjoy with ordinary walks around the park.

Playing games. Give your throwing arm a good workout as you indulge your dog in his favorite game of fetch — use a ball, a stick, or a Frisbee. For an added twist, fitness trainer Gunnar Peterson suggests racing your dog to retrieve what you’ve thrown.


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