James Reyes: Showing sexy dark side

MANILA, Philippines - In true Tim Burton style, James Reyes gives us something interesting to feast on. The chiaroscuro shades of slate, black and white can somehow seem a little off for the coming season but with James’ bravado it opens our eyes to what the season can truly be.

“Forever pieces” is what screams at you in this collection. Timeless, dripping with gravitas, bending to different personalities… James creates pieces that are meant to stay in your closet season after season.

His brave graphics are softened by an almost whimsical mood, somehow suggesting fairy tales gone noir.

For whatever sunshine summer may bring, James will always show his sexy, dark side.

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Fashion Watch shows are presented every Thursday at the Makati Shangri-La lobby. The show on June 23 will feature the collections of Joey Samson and Ivar Aseron. For reservations, call 840-0884.

Fashion Watch is presented by Olay, Makati Shangri-la Hotel, The Philippine STAR, Preview, StyleBible, and StarWorld.

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