The juice on juice

The world may be getting more toxic and stressful by the minute, therefore the influx of quick fixes by ways of spas, home-serviced massages, and pain-relieving lotions and potions. That said, we have also been seeing a lot of uncommon, but surprisingly effective, juices and vitamins that have more powerful health properties against more serious sicknesses. Orange, apple and mango juices may give you sufficient vitamins and minerals, but find out how the wonders of nature can keep even cancer away.

Prune juice: Prevention better than cure

Prune juice is distilled from dried plums and is most popularly known as a form of laxative because of its high-fiber content. There is more to prune juice, however, that is more powerful than you can ever imagine.

Prunes contain phenols, an antioxidant that blocks oxygen-based free radicals from damaging the body’s fats. (The skin and brain cell membranes are mostly composed of fats, and prune juice may help protect cell damage.) It also contains beta-carotene or vitamin A, which also prevents cellular damage that may lead to blocked arteries due to cholesterol, certain cancers and heart diseases. The potassium also found in prunes may help lower the risk or stroke and high blood pressure.

Soluble fiber is probably the most beneficial property of prunes and prune juice. Fiber normalizes blood sugar levels by slowing down glucose and sugar. It also helps in the body’s production of insulin, which may decrease the risks of diabetes.

Make sure that the prune juice you buy is virtually additive-free. The additional sugars and other ingredients to boost the flavor may actually negate its health benefits.

Cranberries: Small wonder

What a small fruit with big benefits. Cranberries are loaded with phytochemicals and polyphenol antioxidants, both known to prevent cancer, as well as strengthen the cardiovascular and immune system against disorders. In the realm of the digestive tract, cranberries prevent kidney stone formation. Though this is still currently under medical research, it has long been known that cranberries rid the body of waste and bacteria. It also inhibits urinary tract infection (UTI). The proanthocyanidin minerals found in cranberries separate and flush out the causes of UTI from your body (usually preservatives from food and beverage, some prescription medicine or poor hygiene).

On the cosmetic front, cranberries also reduce dental plaque. It won’t help if you’re more partial to the sweetened variants (as sugar in any form is never good for the teeth, anyway), but the pure or more concentrated forms stop the growth and spreading of mouth bacteria, which causes plaque.

Cranberry juice comes in sweetened and unsweetened varieties (although it’s healthier to take in the latter). It is recommended that you take at least 500ml of juice a day for optimal benefits. However, if you’re one who’s always rushing out the door, specialty health stores (check out CNG or Healthy Options) and drugstores sell capsules or syrup with cranberry extracts.

Wheatgrass: The best anti-cancer drink

Recent medical studies have shown that wheatgrass is the most powerful health drink to date. It has been classified as the most abundant superfood for its nutritional content and cleansing and cell regeneration properties that are easily absorbed by the body.

There are certain properties found in wheatgrass known to build the blood. The chlorophyll content in wheatgrass is identical to the hemoglobin molecule in human blood. The only difference is that hemoglobin is to iron as chlorophyll is to magnesium, and this easily transforms into hemoglobin, increasing the body’s red blood cells as well as the blood’s capacity to deliver oxygen. This also normalizes blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways in the body, getting rid of poisonous carbon dioxide and releasing free oxygen. With this, the body becomes free of carcinogens, decreasing the chances of developing, and most probably having to fight, cancer. 

Wheatgrass also cleanses the body with its vitamins B, C, E, carotene and saponin, ridding the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of free radicals. Other than that, wheatgrass has high amino acid content, which are the building blocks of protein essential to growth and cell regeneration.

Organic wheatgrass juices are also known to effectively boost the body’s immune system to fight and recover from ailments and illnesses. It is a powerful source of beta-carotene, containing most of the B vitamins, vitamins C, E, H, and K, and over 90 different minerals and 19 amino acids, all playing a major role in the breakdown of fats and in weight loss. 

Grape juice: Fatigue fighter

To be tired at the end of a long workday is one thing; to be constantly fatigued every minute of the day, even when you wake up from deep slumber, is another. Clearly, sleep and other forms of distressing (like a good deep-tissue massage) are not enough; you may lack iron in your system and the most natural way to spring back to life is by way of grape juice.

The best energy booster comes from light or white grape fruit juices. (Dark grape juices contain chemicals that actually decrease the iron level in your system, so if you’re anemic, pregnant, or have chronic fatigue syndrome, best to stick to light.) 

You know very well that a glass of red wine a day is recommended; grape juice gives you the same benefits sans the drowsiness from the alcohol. Regular intake of grape juice strengthens the immune system from the powerful antioxidants, making you feel healthy and energized. The antioxidants found in grapes also fight heart disease, prevent Alzheimer’s and decrease the signs of aging.

When buying grape juice, read the nutritional facts label and compare sugar content. The high sugar content will give you that immediate “boost” and will inevitably wear off in as short as an hour, leaving you more sluggish and tired than usual (and this will totally defeat the purpose). Find one that has 100-percent natural ingredients (again, mostly in specialty health stores) or, better yet, make your own.

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