A new, new hope

MANILA, Philippines – Thanks to the capable hands of director J.J. Abrams, the ‘Star Wars’ franchise is alive again.

Last Tuesday, Dec. 15, amid the strong winds and raging rain, die-hard Star Wars fans gathered at SM Fashion Hall’s IMAX theater to be the first in the country to watch the latest episode of the beloved franchise. With a special lightsaber presentation by Star Wars organization FightSaber Philippines, and Pinoy stormtroopers from the 501st Philippines in the audience, the premiere did not lack in Star Wars euphoria. Needless to say the crowd loved the film, giving it a rousing ovation as the credits started to roll. And as the people walked out of the cinema still reeling from the epicness of Episode VII, they were greeted by a special and exclusive goodie bag of Force Awakens memorabilia courtesy of Disney and Globe. J.J. Abrams, Disney, Lucasfilm Ltd., and the rest of the Star Wars franchise promised to revitalize the whole saga and they did not disappoint one bit. Needless to say, there really has been an awakening and we have felt it.                                        






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