Who’s your freak show alter-ego?

Art by Maine Manalansan

Life is a circus, and we’re part of the madness. In time for Halloween, from bearded ladies to crazy mermaids, find out who your sideshow spirit animal is.

MANILA, Philippines - It’s honestly kind of sad that the circus is no longer cool. Gone are the days when our only sources of entertainment were the peryas that would set up camp in huge lots and gladly take our money for a few ring tosses and sideshow entertainment.

Thankfully, a taste for the crazy is coming back in fashion, thanks to the latest season of American Horror Story, subtitled Freak Show. Never have murderous clowns and lobster boys (be still, our Evan Peters-beating hearts) been so on-trend. Locally we also get to be treated to a little weirdness: “Imaginarium,” a multi-arts festival of the absurd, is showing a gaggle of equally strange and awesome performances starting Oct. 28 to Oct. 31.

Now that being a freak seems to be cool again, we’ve come up with our own little way to celebrate everyone’s innate weirdness. From the alpha male vibes of the world’s strongest man to the sweet and spicy mermaid, we help you figure out which freak show character you may identify best with. It is also our sincere hope that this nudges you in the right direction for possible costume ideas this Halloween — maybe then we wouldn’t feel so bad about not watching the sideshows anymore, now that we’ve become them.


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